Mix Cinema Room – Beep Studios Roma

The Audio Mix session for a new international production, which will have my music, has just ended.
It is a decisive moment for a composer and soundtrack producer. The audio mix represents the moment of post production in which all the sound integrates harmoniously with the images. Ambient sounds, dialogues, special effects, sound design, music.

J O E > N E W S L E T T E R

Musica per Cinema Tv e teatro

Music for Cinema, TV and theater

Poche mail, non più di una al mese.

Musica e immagini, nuovi mood, informazioni e curiosità, idee per ottenere la musica e il suono più adatti ai progetti cinema, TV, teatrali e di videoart.

Few emails, no more than one per month.

Music and images, new moods, information and curiosities, ideas for obtaining the most suitable music and sound for cinema, TV, theatrical and video art projects.

Joe Schievano

J O E > N E W S L E T T E R

Musica per Cinema Tv e teatro

Music for Cinema, TV and theater

Poche mail, non più di una al mese.

Musica e immagini, nuovi mood, informazioni e curiosità, idee per ottenere la musica e il suono più adatti ai progetti cinema, TV, teatrali e di videoart.

Few emails, no more than one per month.

Music and images, new moods, information and curiosities, ideas for obtaining the most suitable music and sound for cinema, TV, theatrical and video art projects.

Joe Schievano