Dazzling Shadows l'album della colonna sonora originale di Joe Schievano
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The Music, the Sounds, the Light.

The album Dazzling Shadows, released on 8 September 2023 on all streaming platforms, is the artist’s ninth album. composer and sound designer for Film and TV, as well as sound artist and music producer. In this work Joe Schievano tackles the world of experimentation by creating sounds and music for an experimental film work, where the composer himself collaborated as co-producer. The short has already been selected in many Film Festivals including Athens, Paris and Palermo.

In his continuous investigation of the union between image and music, Joe bases this work on the connection between sound and light. Its continuous variations in color, therefore in frequencies, and also in intensity, from the most blinding light to the most total darkness,

Joe Schievano
Keja Ho Kramer e Joe Schievano

Notes from Joe,

When I saw one of Keja’s photographic works made at the Palermo Botanical Garden, I immediately felt a strong connection between those images and sound. Those colors of plants and flowers as a result of Keja’s photographic development immediately enveloped me in a vibration of light and sound, simultaneously.

In reality I started listening, without actually creating music, but trying to bring out what was already vibrating. Impulses, beats, a-rhythmic patterns on high frequencies, harmonic echoes, breezes of melodic fragments that pass with apparent randomness.

But there is also a reversal of perception, which becomes for a moment that of flowers and plants towards the outside world.

The surrounding nature, and a varied humanity that passes by it, is perceived in moments of normal everyday life that flows between steps, conversations, whispers and laughter.

Only at the end do the sounds also become narration, turning our gaze to the epic, precisely because Goethe concludes his rigorous and scientific methodology, inserting everything into a pantheistic thought of someone who has recognized the divine in Nature and observes these phenomena.

Joe Schievano

Notes from director Keja Ho Kramer

Dazzeling Shadows is based on Goethe’s book The Theory of Color and the research he documented by observing colors through prisms in controlled light and dark situations. During my research, the camera and lens are the means I used to compose color images using light, sky and flowers. There is a recurring theme in observing in the dark: ‘the afterimage’.

A color or visual vibration is imprinted on the retina that has something to do with how our mind is reacting to darkness after the light pulse. There is a perpetual transformation of color and tone into light and dark.

Music and Original Sounds: Joe Schievano

Production: Soundrivemotion

J O E > N E W S L E T T E R

Musica per Cinema Tv e teatro

Music for Cinema, TV and theater

Poche mail, non più di una al mese.

Musica e immagini, nuovi mood, informazioni e curiosità, idee per ottenere la musica e il suono più adatti ai progetti cinema, TV, teatrali e di videoart.

Few emails, no more than one per month.

Music and images, new moods, information and curiosities, ideas for obtaining the most suitable music and sound for cinema, TV, theatrical and video art projects.

Joe Schievano

J O E > N E W S L E T T E R

Musica per Cinema Tv e teatro

Music for Cinema, TV and theater

Poche mail, non più di una al mese.

Musica e immagini, nuovi mood, informazioni e curiosità, idee per ottenere la musica e il suono più adatti ai progetti cinema, TV, teatrali e di videoart.

Few emails, no more than one per month.

Music and images, new moods, information and curiosities, ideas for obtaining the most suitable music and sound for cinema, TV, theatrical and video art projects.

Joe Schievano